How to encourage a love of reading in your kids

I always loved reading when I was a kid.  I have warm & fuzzy feelings when I think about books.  I picture me & my sisters curled up on the bed with my mom reading to us at night.  The bike rides & picnics we would go on were incomplete without a good book.  My parents raised me to love reading, and it's something I'm passing on to my kiddos.

So what can you do to help develop a love of reading in your child?

Start early.  The sooner you start the easier it will be!  It's never too early to get started!  I remember reading board books when my boys were babies.  It helps them learn language as well as develop an interest in books.  Did you know that if you live in the US, Canada, the UK, or Australia, you can sign up to receive free books for your child thru the Dolly Parton Foundation?  We did this with both of my boys & I loved it!  The kids liked getting a new book in the mail every month & who doesn't love free?!?  Dolly Parton's Imagination Library

Make it a family affair.  Before my kids could read themselves, we would read every night before bed as a family.  It was a great bonding experience & a fun thing to do together.  Once they learned to read on their own, my boys weren't as interested in me reading to them anymore, although I still try.

Make it fun.  Let them choose books they are interested in.  If all they read are school books or "mandatory" reading, it won't be a fun experience for them - it'll be a chore.  Take them to the library often & grab as many books as they want.
Use technology.  When my kids were first learning how to read, we got them Leap Frog books.  Even before they could read on their own, they could have that reading experience with this - (This is an affiliate link which means I make a small commission if you buy this product)  Leap Frog System

Invest in quality books.  Some of the books my kids have loved the most have been Usborne books.  If you haven't gotten your hands on an Usborne book, you're missing out!   They make AWESOME homeschool books, too!  Usborne Library
Ditch the bedroom tv.  If you have a tv in your child's room, they will likely default to that.  I never gave my kids that option.  They've never had a tv in their bedroom (and we've never had one in ours).  Instead, I filled their room with books.  At bedtime, they don't have to go to sleep if they aren't tired yet, but they do need to stay in their rooms.  Typically, that means 1+ hour of reading at bedtime for them.

Use books as treats.  My kids get books for their birthday & Christmas.  When we go on a trip, I usually buy new books to take  with us to read in the car or on the plane.  For fun we go to bookstores.  How you view books helps shape how your kids will view books.

Let them read.  For the most part, my kids can read anytime they feel like reading.  They read a lot at meal times.  They read while in the car.  They read at bed.  They read when we're on vacation or in other countries.  I make sure they have books around almost always.  I even take a book on hikes in case they want to read once we get there.

I understand books can add up quickly, so if you're on a budget definitely check out your local library as well as the free books from Dolly Parton's Imagination Library.  You can also find inexpensive books at thrift stores or yard sales.  But make books a part of your everyday life & reading can be fun for your kids, too!


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