Learning thru everyday life

For those considering homeschooling, it doesn't have to be super stressful!  From HomeLife Academy's website, regarding learning -

Everything counts, such as gardening, field trips, nature hunts, bird watching, journaling, story writing, etc., you just may not be giving a grade for it. Life provides opportunities for learning. Look for ways to teach your child as you go about your day. With this method, the child learns all day, every day.

We suggest letting your child’s interest be your guide. They are more likely they are to love learning and remember what they learned if they are able to learn about things that interest them. Think about how to help you child love learning. Einstein once said, "A Man’s true education is what remains after he has forgotten everything he learned in school".

Homeschooling allows for so many extracurricular activities, don’t be afraid to make all-of-life part of their education.

If you bake cookies together, practice measuring, count the number of eggs needed to double the recipe, and etc. This counts!

If you go to the grocery store and talk about where eggs, milk, cheese and bananas come from. Older students can help with the menu planning, grocery budget, and cost comparisons. If your child is learning, it counts!!

When a child discovers new things that interested them, learning becomes enjoyable and they are more likely to remember.

Read aloud to your child every day. Both parents reading to the child is even better.

Have your child memorize poems, and then let him recite them to a friend, neighbor, relative.

Let your child copy Bible verses, make cards for relatives, write Thank You notes, write stories, and etc.

Go to the library, get simple, but interesting books. A solid beginning with strong reading is essential for long-term enjoyment and successful relationship with education.

Play games, do puppet shows, put on plays and role play, play store, do kitchen chemistry, and go on lots of field trips.

Go outside and learn about God’s creation.

With all of the wonderful curricula out there, simple, yet consistent is the best way to start.
It is wonderful to have a schedule; but just as wonderful to decide, this day is just not working out well… "Let’s go outside and see what we can learn outside"

Think about how your child learns. Does he/she learn better by seeing or by doing? Does your child seem to remember everything he/she hears or everything he/she sees? Many young students learn best by using all of their senses (hands-on activities, sight, sound and etc). The older the child gets his/her learning style will become more specific and defined. Knowing how your child learns will help you best determine what type of activities and resources to use to help maximize learning and make it fun.

WHAT IS YOUR CHILD’S PASSION? Start there and then branch out as you continue. Help your child develop a true love for learning.



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